Teachers, are you looking for more 'Algorithm Writing' resources, to help support your students?
CSUK's Brand New Algorithm Writing Guide & Workbook is now avaiable to download at CSUK:Teacher!

The chapters in this 73 page workbook introduce students to generic programming constructs, individually, so that they can focus on mastering their ability to form algorithmic solutions using these constructs in isolation, before being introduced to others. And only after they have looked at each construct in isolation, will they begin to experience questions which require combinations of these constructs, at which point they will have had the prior success and built enough confidence, to tackle them!
Click the link to visit CSUK:Teacher
**Updated 26-09-2022 to Include OCR's Exam Reference Language Solutions**
***Copyright Disclaimer: Many materials used in these free algorithm-a-day resources are taken from past OCR GCSE Computing Exams – The OCR exam board owns the copyright for these exam questions – questions have been used with their permission***