There may be occasions when you need to add students who already have a CSUK:ReviseCS account to a different group. This could happen if a student changes classes or if you're restructuring groups on the system. Since these students already have accounts, the standard enrolment process won't be suitable – using it would lead to errors like 'email account already associated with an existing account.'
Here's the simplified process for these scenarios:
Obtain Enrolment Keys: Just like with new students, download the enrolment keys for your group.

Direct Students to a Specific Page: Instead of heading to the homepage, instruct your students to visit: It's crucial that they are logged into their existing accounts before visiting this page.

Entering the Enrolment Key: On this page, students will find a field to input their enrolment key. Once they enter the key, their existing account will be instantly linked to the new group.
Confirmation on Dashboard: After the enrolment key is entered, you'll see the student appear in the new group's list on your dashboard.
This method ensures a smooth transition for students who already have accounts on CSUK:ReviseCS, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into their new group without any technical complications.